Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Thank you, Baby Jesus!

I just got the offer of a freakin lifetime!

MissRoomie calls me and says, "If there was a way for you to go down to Miss America, have your airfare and lodging paid for AND a ticket to the final night of competition, would you go?"


All I have to do is watch the cutest little twins in the world on Thursday and Friday nights and pay for food.

Freakin awesome!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mami!

A VERY happy 26th birthday to Mrs. Christina Aguilera-Bratman! Almost time for you to welcome your little nugget into the world! The world needs more hot Jewish men... (Can you imagine having Christina Aguilera for a mother in law?! oh jeebus....)

Friday, December 14, 2007


Do not watch Extreme Home Makeover while eating lunch at your desk and in the full throws of PMS.

There are only so many tears you can blame on the onion on your subway.