I have a WONDERFUL partner. He is absolutely everything I've always looked for in a man, but I never thought I'd actually find. Every day I am blown away that he loves me and that he is willing to accept everything about me, positive traits, faults and issues. Every day I am thankful for that. Every day I try to be the best partner that I can be to him for us.
We have a beautiful home filled with laughter, animals, prayer and music. Eddie and Minnie are getting along quite well - Max is a little too excited about having a kitty in the house to be friends with Eddie quite yet, but it will get there. All of the boxes are close to being unpacked and most things have found their new home. I am in a new community and forming new friendships and relationships with great people here. I am finally able to start looking for a job here - but even that, he wants me to be happy, not just take a job I'm good at, but one that I will like. I've never had support like that before.
Living with someone who isn't just a roommate has been a bit of an adjustment. Luckily there is a spare room where all of my girly stuff can go - Sparkle Room 2.0, as it were. I'm constantly catching myself being careful walking on the floor or worried about neighbors below - I guess that's to be expected after living in apartments for most of my life. Sometimes I even freak out about the surround sound being up too loud when we play RockBand to the wee hours of the morning. Hopefully, I wont have to live in an apartment until Kim, Kristin, Molly and I move into our Raisin Ranch in Florida.
I met his sister, brother-in-law and nephew yesterday. I don't know why I was so nervous about it, they were all just as wonderful as his parents are. And his nephew - that little nugget had me giggling all afternoon! I am excited for him to meet my little brother and his wife tomorrow night, and for my parents to spend some more time with us. I know it's been hard for my mom, me moving away. It hasn't been extremely easy for me either, I miss all of my friends and family in TRI a lot - especially my lil sis and her nuggets, but I really couldn't be happier with my life right now.
AND with being a domestic goddess (and on his night-shift schedule) I must now away to the kitchen and clean up while the latest load of laundry finishes. :)