Thursday, May 17, 2007

Western Conference zzzzz....

After my annual lady-parts appointment today (which we all know and love loathe) I picked my perscriptions up at the Walgreens and headed out the ranch to mooch some food off my parents and watch at least part of the Toddball's game on the big tv. I also snagged a quick power nap during the first period. The begining of the game was that riveting....

I do tend to love exchanging texts with Hammer during the games. (And mom laughs every time she hears the Maple Leaf Mafia ringtone) After the 1st intermission interview with Jackman we had a little chat chit about how we were glad he didn't put his teeth in for national TV so his credibility wouldn't be hurt.

I'm glad she understands what I mean when I say that even without his partial and a nose full of snot, that I'd still cuddle up with Big Bert all night long (with Julie's permission of course).

I guess I should explain how I feel about this series since you're probably all asking yourself why I'd be cheering for the Arch Nemisis Red Wings. Ever since they acquired the Todd, it's been hard to hate them with the fire of ten thousand roasted marshmallows like I used to. And the ducks... I don't have anything against them per say, but Brian Burke is their GM - as well as an owner in the Chili-wiggity-wack Bruins - which means he tried to steal my team from me. BAD BURKEY, BAD! Therefore, I guess i'm rooting for the Wings in this Western Conference Snooze-fest.

That Ryan Getzlaf and his stupid pretty goals... Been making me swear since he was a wee tot playing for the Hitmen. I do, however, enjoy when they pan to him between plays - he likes to say that F word. A lot. My favorite lip-read quote of the night comes from the young Ryan, "Come ON! F**k me!" No thank you, but I'm sure there are a few ladies and germs that would be more than willing to take you up on that, sir.

Hammer and I also think that Bert and Fillpula need to be traded to teams we actually LIKE.

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