Monday, June 11, 2007


NO new cases over the weekend and ALL of my paperwork done for May, so what is there to do? Surf the Interweb.

I found the COOLEST website in the free world. It is dedicated to, all about and full of juicy bits of yay-ness of the best cartoon ever made about a pink-haired rock-star, Jem.

In light of all the crap I downloaded from there, I have updated my Myspace page for the summer to reflect my new alter-ego, Jem. I'm thinking possibly a Jem costume for Haloween? Could be Truly, truly, truly outrageous... I'm just saying....


Margee said...

You have to! And you have get someone to be the Misfits for a proper dance off.

The Royal Family said...

Oooh. I dunno, finding someone to play a good Roxy could be tough...