Tuesday, June 12, 2007


x-posted from the Maple Leaf Mafia blog

from this article, titled "Czechs, Slovaks migrate to North American juniors," on NHL.com:

"Moving from the Czech Republic to Slovakia, you will find a similar outlook for
this year’s draft. A significant percentage of Slovakian Central Scouting-rated
players are on the North American side and there are no Slovaks ranked among the
top 25 European skaters. Among Slovaks playing in the CHL, Sudbury Wolves winger Patrik Lusnak is ranked 120th on the North American list,
huge Tri-City
Americans defenseman Juraj Valach is 125th
, Everett Silvertips center Lukas Vartovnik ranks 180th and Peterborough Petes right winger Branislav Rehus
finished 191st."

more press for the big guy!

Hopefully he's happy with where he gets drafted after falling in the 2nd ranking. At least he'll have two crazy fans in the building to scream like the proud hockey nuts they are when his name is called... He'll probably be able to hear them all the way in Slovakia.

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